Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Padah Usus Tidak Dijaga!

Ancaman Kanser Kolorektal

Kanser Kolorektal adalah sejenis kanser sistem penghadaman. Ianya selalu bermula didalam lapisan mukosa usus, dengan kehadiran tumor@polip yang berbentuk seperti bonjolan kecil dipermukaan kolon. Polip merupakan petanda awal bagi kanser kolorektal, dan tumor ini kemudiannya tumbuh jauh kedlm lapisan mukosa kolon serta kelenjar limfa berdekatan.

Kenali Punca Kanser Kolorektal
o Diet pemakanan tidak seimbang
o Pengambilan byk mknan berlemak dan kurang yg mengandungi serat serta fiber
o kegemukan atau pesakit diabetes mempunyai 40% risiko
o Sindrom keturunan
o Merokok
o Minum minuman beralkohol
o Kurang bersenam

Tanda2 Kanser Kolokteral
o Sakit perut, cirit-birit, gastrik diselangi sembelit yg teruk dan berpanjangan
o Tumor akan menyebabkan najis berdarah, samada kemerahan atau kehitaman
o Bengkak dan rasa tak selesa pada abdomen
o Kehilangan berat badan yang mendadak
o Demam dan kurang selera makan
o Lemah seluruh badan

Formula Rawatan Kanser Kolorektal
3 Jenis rawatan dicadangkan bergantung pd peringkat kanser iaitu:-
o Surgeri
o Kimoterapi
o Radiasi

Cegah Sebelum Terlambat
o Banyakkan makan buah2an, sayur2an, mknan berserat dan bijirin
o Banyakkan pengambilan Vitamin dan Zat Galian seperti Kalisum, Magnesium, Pyridoxine-Vitamin B6 dan Vitamin B9
o Kurangkan pengambilan makanan berlemak
o Berhenti merokok dan minum arak

VeMMA mengandungi Vitamin-Vitamin, Zat Galian dan Mineral, AloeVera dan Teh Hijau yg telah dinyah kafein. Pengamalan pengambilan 2oz VeMMA Premix setiap hari dapat membantu pencegahan. Sesungguhnya mencegah adalah lebih baik daripada merawat.

TERBUKTI! Dgn izin Allah, alhamdullillah, Puan Norfazilah Mohd semakin sihat selepas 10 tahun menderita ketumbuhan usus dan kencing manis .. sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa, Penyembuh Segala Penyakit.. Tiada penyakit yg tiada ubatnya kecuali mati.. bergantung kepada kita untuk berikhtiar mencarinya dan sentiasa berdoa, bertawakkal kepada Allah semoga Allah memberkati usaha kita.. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Petua Untuk Merampingkan Badan

1. Jangan Berlapar - Makanan memberi anda tenaga dan apabila anda menggunakan tenaga kurang daripada apa yang anda ambil, tubuh akan terkejut. Bila anda tidak tahan berlapar, anda akan makan dengan lebih banyak.
2. Amalkan Yang Pahit – Minum kopi dan kumur beberapa saat sebelum makan. Cara ini menyebabkan tekak merasa pahit dan menghantar isyarat melalui otak bagi menggalakan rembesan enzim dan asid HCL. Kekurangan enzim dan asid HCL di dalam perut boleh menyebabkan ketidakcekapan penghadaman.

3. Minum 8 Gelas Air Sehari - Air mengurangkan selera makan anda secara semulajadi dan membantu badan memetabolisma simpanan lemak di dalam tubuh. Sebelum anda makan makanan yang berat-berat, cuba minum air. Pasti anda tidak akan makan dengan banyak.

4. Elakkan Minuman Bergas - Minuman bergas biasanya mengandungi 7 hingga 8 sudu gula dan tidak baik untuk kesihatan tubuh.

5. Kurangkan Pengambilan Garam - Pengambilan garam yang tinggi menggalakan penangkungan air. Mengurangkan pengambilan garam bermakna badan anda menangkung sedikit air. Ini bermakna anda kurang berat badan disebabkan air.

6. Ambil Sarapan Pagi -Anda juga boleh menurunkan berat badan dengan pengambilan sarapan pagi. Menurut satu kajian, orang yang tidak mengambil sarapan pagi lebih cenderung untuk gemuk berbanding orang yang mengambilnya. Bagaimana ia terjadi? Sarapan pagi menstabilkan hormon dan paras gula di dalam darah. Kadar metabolisme juga meningkat untuk membakar kalori.

7. Makan Perlahan-Lahan - Nikmatilah makanan dengan perlahan-lahan dan jangan gopoh. Sebab, apabila anda makan secara perlahan-lahan, tubuh akan menghantar isyarat menunjukan kepuasan.

8. Kunyah Makanan Kepada Cebisan Lebih Kecil - Kunyah makanan kepada cebisan lebih kecil sebelum menelan, kerana dengan cara ini ia lebih mudah dihadam.

9. Biar makan kerap dengan kuantiti yang sedikit daripada makan hanya sekali dua tetapi dengan kuantiti yang banyak.

10. Jika anda terasa ingin makan snek atau makanan ringan, beruslah gigi anda atau kunyahlah gula-gula getah. Rasa “mint” atau berangin di mulut akan membantutkan selera anda.

11. Kurangkan pengambilan marjerin atau butter dalam makanan anda.

12. Apabila makan di restoran atau gerai, pesanlah air limau nipis atau jus oren. Ini kerana minuman masam menggalakan pembakaran lemak. Mintalah minuman yang kurang gula.

13. Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran adalah sumber terbaik untuk vitamin, mineral, serat dan kandungan lemak yang rendah.

14. Jangan timbang berat badan anda setiap hari kerana anda tidak akan nampak perubahannya. Jika anda minum banyak, dan waktu itu anda timbang berat badan yang pastinya meningkat, mungkin anda akan berputus asa untuk berdiet.

15. Ambil Makanan Yang Berempah - Sesetengah rempah seperti cili atau biji sawi, boleh membakar kalori. Penambahan lada hitam bukan sahaja meningkatkan penghadaman, ia juga meningkatkan pembakaran lemak.

Info dari "Saya Bangga Menjadi Surirumah Sepenuh Masa"

Dalam ber'diet' pastikan anda mendapat vitamins dan minerals yang secukupnya untuk badan anda menjalankan kerja2 mereka :D 

Minum 2oz Vemma sehari, insyaAllah, selain daripada membekalkan badan anda vitamins dan minerals yang cukup, vemma membantu memberikan tenaga untuk kerja2 seharian dan... Vemma juga boleh diminum untuk ber'diet'.. nie testimoni nya:

Monday, 19 March 2012

Mangosteen and Pregnancy


I wanted to share some testimonies from two women who used Vemma while they were pregnant. Many women assume that taking a generic multi-vitamin is efficient and suitable for their entire pregnancy. All of these supplements that are store bought or purchased from your OB are filled with indigestible chemicals and fillers (usually a major  player in morning sickness from not digesting supplements!). A quick check is to put your pill in a glass of water or vinegar. The pill should be gone after 20 minutes otherwise your body will not be  able to break it down! (Obviously, water or vinegar do not compare to stomach acid, but if you are having digestive problems or even morning sickness, those are signs that your stomach acid is decreased) I remember trying the pills from the hospital and besides choking on them, they never made me feel good!

This is where Vemma comes in. Because it is liquid it is easy to take and digest and also contains all the vitamins and minerals you need on a daily basis. Plus, if you want higher levels of nutrition you can always take one or two ounces more (you only need two ounces a day!) without any side effects.Vemma can help you feel great and give you the confidence that you are getting the nutrition you need!
I use Vemma personally, and have seen great results with my patients. Check out www.carolherzog.vemma.com for more info!
Pregnancy Story 1
” Right now I am 7 months pregnant with my fifth baby. Mangosteen and Minerals has done so many wonderful things for me in my pregnancy!
This is the first pregnancy where I do not suffer from low-blood sugar, restless leg syndrome, foot & leg cramps, headaches, sleep disturbances and joint pain! In past pregnancies I usually gain 40-50 pounds. During this pregnancy I have only gained 14 lbs. I am sure that my weight gain will be 50% lower than in the past and a much healthier weight gain for me and my baby.
I am not craving sugar or sweets AT ALL now which was a BIG factor in all my other pregnancies. Mangosteen and Minerals has set my energy level sky-high and has boosted my immune system drastically! When my baby is born I will be able to nurse her knowing that the superior nutrition I receive every day from Mangosteen and Minerals will keep myself and my daughter healthier! I highly recommend Mangosteen and Minerals to ALL pregnant and nursing moms! I GIVE IT TO MY OTHER 4 KIDS TOO!
S. H.
Eskridge, Kansas USA “

November 15, 2007
I remember 12 years ago when I was pregnant with my first baby. At 7 months pregnant my water broke unexpectedly and I delivered my daughter 2 months early!! She was delivered by emergency c -section and obviously they did not expect the great outcome that would usually come with having a “full term” baby. I was told that she would spend weeks, possibly 2 months in the NICU until she was big enough and strong enough to go home given there were no “other” complications that come from having a baby so early. (undeveloped heart ,lungs, kidney’s etc.) They knew she was very little and I had health complications and a “high risk pregnancy.”
Meranda Elizabeth Mundy was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1996 weighing 4 1/2 lbs. Because they took her to the other side of the room when she was born I couldn’t see her and I relied on my hearing. I have it all recorded on tape. (that is when they use to let you bring a video in to record your birth.) I was able to listen very intently and it was as if my other senses could pick up on the smallest of details and sounds. I was waiting for what seemed like forever as they sucked liquid from her lungs and tried to stimulate her body for a response. I laid there praying to just hear that cry to know she was alive. I heard the doctors saying scary things like “wow”, “that is amazing”, “look at this”. Then I heard the doctor and his team (of 13) saying how STRONG SHE WAS that she was stronger than babies born full term and that her lungs were amazing and that it could not be possible for a baby of this size to be born this early and be this healthy. He and his team could not believe it!! SHE WAS PERFECT!! This baby absolutely baffled the doctors!! It was almost as if she became their “play toy” in that delivery room. I went from being absolutely terrified to being absolutely elated. I was doing that happy laugh/crying so hard the doctor had to tell me to stop so he could finish the surgery.
Let me just say that they watched me with her like a hawk the first 24 hours but other than the routine physical they give newborn babies my daughter did not leave my arms! My daughter did not spend 1 minute in the NICU and I brought her home weighing just under 4 lbs! This is something unheard of!! My delivery and my little Meranda were the talk of the hospital that week. It seemed like we were “on display” considering I had more visitors from the hospital in my room than from my family & friends. Everyone wanted to see! She even received an “award” that the nurses gave her before we left. Other than prayer being the biggest factor in this miracle, the liquid minerals were the KEY component to her amazing physical condition at birth! You see, my dad worked as a janitor for the company that manufactured the minerals ( which is the parent company of the mangosteen and minerals that I am taking today) 12 years ago and he brought me home these bottles of liquid minerals that I took every day throughout my pregnancy!
Dr. Garbaciak is a specialist in Arizona that deals with high risk pregnancies and very small babies. He is certainly not your “alternative medicine” doctor yet, he even agreed that the “super nutrition” I gave my unborn baby saved her life!!!
Meranda 11 1/2 today. She is a healthy, vivacious, honor student and has had no complications from her pre-mature birth.We have always said it was because of that bottle of “orange stuff” that Meranda is here today!
I can not put into words how this makes me feel today! It is not by chance that the bottle of minerals “found me” 12 years ago and it is not by chance that mangosteen and minerals have found me today!
This gives a whole new definition of testimony for me! I have gone from “Hmmm, I really like this stuff”, to literally being “in love!”
I am so excited about being a “new” part of THIS “new” vision with the minerals and mangosteen. It changed my life, and gave life 12 years ago and is doing the same today!
T. M.